But beyond entertainment and stress-relieving beer, homebrewing brings other practical advantages during a natural disaster. As a homebrewer, we have multiple five-gallon buckets kicking around. We’ve just filled our two bottling buckets (one regular, one sour) with water in case of an “interruption of service.” We also have at least 4 empty growlers and 20 clean bombers just waiting for the next round of bottling, some of which will also be filled with water. We won’t drink the stuff, of course — that’s what beer is for. But for toilet-flushing duties, extra water is crucial. Beer names are an important part of brewing — we frequently come up with a name and concept first and then develop recipes around those concepts: Walpurgisnacht, Joe Montana, etc. So I was curious to see which beers have a name that includes “hurricane.” According to RateBeer, there are 53. I think my favorite, for reasons beyond actual flavor, is Hurricane High Gravity Lager. Made by Anheuser-Busch, Hurricane rates an eyebrow-raising ZERO out of 100 points (category 5 disaster on your palate), with 229 votes and counting. Serving suggestions include “paper bag.” But at 8.1% ABV, Hurricane malt liquor (the definition of a malt liquor varies by state to state, but is generally understood to be a light-colored lager with a high ABV) will clearly get the job done. Other storm-related brews we can recommend:

Evil Twin Hop FloodVictory Storm King Imperial StoutClipper City Heavy Seas Loose Cannon DIPADe Molen Storm and AverijPelican Stormwatchers WinterfestPelican Mother of All Storms

Moving beyond beer (because, at some point, it’s time to switch to the hard stuff), CocktailDB has five recipes for drinks with “Hurricane” in the name. All involve rum, as does the Dark and Stormy, so hopefully you have some of that in your bar. I’d make some noise about “staying safe,” but you’re all adults. So, tell me, what are you drinking to get through this storm? Talk to us on Twitter! @BeerSci